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Wilbur Wright Crime Report

Overall crime in the Portage & Dunning area is up by 36% in the first half of March compared to the first half of February.

The 2015 Wilbur Wright College (WWC) Clery Statistics report 80 incidents on campus, and eight incidents having occurred within the Clery limits. According to, The Jeanne Clery Act “requires all colleges and universities… to share information about crime on campus... as well as inform the public of crime in or around campus”.

According to WWC Chief of security, Jack Murphy, the Clery Act requires a report of each city block surrounding the campus. As reported by Murphy, “The boundaries are from Narragansett north from Berteau, to Montrose Ave from Narragansett to Neenah.”

Majority of the incidents can be classified under illness/injury. Some 2015 accounts include:

Aside from what is reported by the WWC security, the neighborhoods of Portage Park and Dunning seem to have an effect on campus life at WWC. Wilbur Wright College is centrally located between the Harwood Heights territory and three Chicago Police District (CPD) beats: 1622, 1624, and 1632. A CPD beat is the smallest unit of territory covered in the policing system. WWC is in the 16th district, and coincidentally in three beats of district 16.

The following information solely covers incidents having occurred between March 02, 2016 through March 15, 2016.

Beat 1622 incidents— ranging from West Montrose Avenue to West Peterson Avenue, and from North Narragansett/Nagle Avenue to North Central Avenue— reported a total of thirty-seven incidents.

Some of the beat 1622 accounts include:

  • Wednesday, March 2, at 4:30pm a theft occurred at a restaurant on the 6300 block of West Montrose Avenue. Wright College students know this location, but the CPD report gives no name to the restaurant.

  • Friday, March 4, at 4:45pm, a small retail store on the 5900 block West Montrose Avenue reported a robbery where the offender was armed with a handgun. No arrest was made.

  • Monday, March 7, at 3:00pm, a restaurant on the 4800 block of North Austin Avenue reported a robbery where the offender was armed with a handgun. The offender was arrested.

Beat 1624 incidents—ranging from West Irving Park Road to West Montrose Avenue, and from North Narragansett Avenue to North Cicero Avenue— reported a total of twenty-eight incidents within the two week time frame mentioned.

Some of the beat 1624 incidents include:

  • Wednesday, March 2, at 11:00am, on the 4300 block North Mobile Avenue, vandalism to a motor vehicle was reported. No arrest was made.

  • Sunday, March 6, at 11:00am, on the 4300 block North Central Avenue, a report of forgery and counterfeiting was made at a local drug store. The report indicates an arrest was made.

  • Wednesday, March 9, at 11:00am, on the 4300 block of North Melvina Avenue, a battery was reported on school/public grounds of Smyser Elementary.

  • Monday, March 14, at 9:00pm, on the 6100 block of West Montrose Avenue, a report was made of larceny-theft amounting over $500. No arrest was made.

Beat 1632 incidents— ranging from West Belmont Avenue to West Montrose Avenue, and from North Harlem Avenue to North Narragansett Avenue— reported a total of twenty-two incidents.

Some of the beat 1632 accounts include:

  • Friday, March 4, at 3:30pm, on the 4300 block of North Neenah Avenue, a government building/property reported a theft of over $500. According to Google Maps, there is no such existing location. North Neenah Avenue cuts off after the 4100 block, but picks back up at the 4400 block, Montrose. No arrest was made.

  • Friday, March 4, 8:15pm, on the 4300 block of North Narragansett Avenue, vandalism to state property was reported at the parking lot/garage at WWC. No arrest was made.

  • Sunday, March 6, at 2:00pm, on the 4300 block of North Narragansett Avenue, vandalism to state property was reported. No arrest was made.

  • Monday, March 7, at 9:40am, on the 4300 block North Narragansett Avenue, vandalism to a motor vehicle was reported in the parking lot at WWC. No arrest was made.

  • Monday, March 7, at 10:30am, at 4000 North Narragansett Avenue, burglary and unlawful entry were reported by a small retail store.

To report crimes on the Wilbur Wright College campus, please contact Chief of Security, Jack Murphy at 773-481-8970.

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