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The Role of PR in the World of Journalism

Planning a career in journalism? Make sure you have a good relationship with PR.

The world of journalism is not an easy one. It takes passion and empathy, but also accuracy to write an article. The essential part of an article nowadays is the sharpness of the information it contains. To avoid misleading readers, Public Relations (PR) found its place in the world of journalism.

Before writing an article, Wright student journalists work with people from PR first, where one of their roles consist of previewing questions.

The PR Director is important as it is “responsible for coordinating interviews, inquiries and requests between City Colleges staff and all media representatives, whether from local student-run publications like The Wright Times, or outlets covering the entire city and nation, like the Chicago Tribune or Associated Press,” says Angela O’Connor, Senior Communications Officer at City Colleges of Chicago.

Each college in CCC has a PR Director. The role of PR is essential when it comes to previewing the questions from student journalists to ensure that reporters receive accurate information in response to their questions, but also to be connected to the appropriate representatives of the City Colleges for interview requests. Therefore, their relationship, even though it’s complicated, is beneficial toward an accurate news coverage.

Wright College’ PR Director position is vacant as a consequence of the City Colleges-wide hiring freeze which has been “implemented to help offset the $70 million in state funding cuts CCC has experienced over the last two years,” adds O’Connor. Till this position is filled, the City Colleges communications team members from the district office will assist Wright College PR needs, as well as other related activities in this field, so The Wright Times can serve Wright students with an accurate information about campus life.

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