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Good Eats & Money; Wright’s 45th Annual CCCTU 1600 Student Scholarship Awards Luncheon

The CCCTU Wright local 1600 will have its 45th annual luncheon to award selected Wright students’ their scholarships.

Each year, full-time faculty or professional employees, like college advisors, nominate students to apply for the CCCTU Wright local 1600 scholarship. According to Professor Henry Herzog, a luncheon departmental representative, students who are invited to apply have no prior knowledge of the scholarship.

“It comes out of the blue,” said Herzog. Professor Herzog said that about 34-35 students were nominated this year, but only 17 applied. From the 17 applicants, 10-12 were picked for the scholarship. Although this is the 45th annual luncheon, Herzog mentioned that the way students are awarded their scholarships has changed over the years.

“Before, you only heard the student's name and they walked up to the podium and received an envelope with a check in it. Now, it’s like an Academy Award. Now we get to hear more about the student and their academic lives,” said Herzog.

The CCCTU Wright local 1600 scholarship awards are completely unique to Wright. Professor Herzog explained that each of the CCC colleges have chapter scholarships. “Each one does it differently.”

From the students being awarded their scholarships, 3 recipients who embody former local Wright employees are given distinct names as special recognition. One student will be a recipient under the name Jeremy Marks, a former member of the math and computer science faculty. Another student will be recognized under Andy Nicosia, who originated the scholarship program 45 years ago. The third student will be recognized under Hamilton Pitt, who had a keen interest in history.

The CCCTU Wright Local Luncheon honors those whose academic success does not go unnoticed, and shows how Wilbur Wright uniquely congratulates these students.

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